Hello! I'm BekahHW, a developer & community creator.

TensorFlow.js 101

I’ve been interested in Machine Learning since I was learning to code. I didn’t know how I would get there, but I knew there was potential to solve the problems that I wanted to solve. It looked complicated, but I...

Preptember: Projects and Discussions

We’re still talking maintainer power ups as we move into the last half of Preptember. We’ve talked about Getting Ready for Hacktoberfest and maintainer guidelines, issues, and labels, and now we’re going to talk about some more ways to create...

Preptember: Maintainer Powerups

When we talk about open source repositories, there can be a lot of moving pieces, especially for maintainers. We’re juggling new issues, duplicate issues, discussions, pull requests, and many of us are volunteers. Although there will always be new challenges,...